Appelsin og bitterappelsinOrange gives a good flow and can therefore be good at feelings like anger, which in turn can cause tense jaws, headaches, etc. It is also good at depression and compassion.Petitgrain is oil from pomeranian leaf. Refreshing and mild antiseptic on fat and unclean skin but also suitable for dry; oil balances tallow production in both directions. Contraction, tightening up; may be helpful in swelling. Very good even in skin problems and gives a sense of joy.Advantages of ENERGYStress reducingMay release tension like headaches and migrainesdigestive Health PromotionGood against depressionLoan and tightening for the skinBland ca. 20 dråper med 100 ml massasjeolje eller lotion. 10 dråper i et badekar eller i 2,5 liter vann til badstuen. 2–4 dråper i en aroma diffuser.10 ml Nordic Superfood by Myrberg Essential Oil Energy